The nascent stages of one's work experience is the time to explore and be curious to know more however over dependency (which stems from too much help) in the initial stages would make these workers oblivious to their own ability. On a personal note I used to remember at least 60 phone numbers by heart before I started using the cell phone in 2004 and as of today that number has come down to four. My memory muscles are still intact however the ease of the shortcut is too enticing to put in the effort:)

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I saw a recent comment from Nvidia CEO saying AI won’t replace humans anytime soon, but the workers who will thrive are those who will utilize AI. I know this article says something similar but I’m confused why it wouldn’t be beneficial for under experienced workers to use AI. Could there be specific AI training designed to help inexperienced workers benefit fully from AI while still developing the foundational skills they need? How might such training differ from that of experienced workers?

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the reason is at an early stage of experience, the employees are going to more likely develop the dependency on AI rather than develop the skills that best utilize AI. I think both the AI in education and the AI in gig work illustrated this point best.

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