A week ago Clubhouse, the voice-first social network platform, launched its much-anticipated Android version, after being, for quite some time, available only to iPhone users:
Great questions. I wanted to add a sentence about B2B, but it was already too long. I think B2B products are in the same boat. you can see what happened to Slack, and their need to sell to Salesforce. Not the worst outcome, but a superior product lost to Team (or is losing to team) a much much inferior product. But one that has a great distribution. I don't think it's as extreme as B2C. But it's present. What do you think?
Do you see similar dynamics in B2B categories, eg business applications, where the platforms, eg aws, do not compete?
Great questions. I wanted to add a sentence about B2B, but it was already too long. I think B2B products are in the same boat. you can see what happened to Slack, and their need to sell to Salesforce. Not the worst outcome, but a superior product lost to Team (or is losing to team) a much much inferior product. But one that has a great distribution. I don't think it's as extreme as B2C. But it's present. What do you think?